Article on zipper merging, the comments are amazing. (WA Oppo's)

Kinja'd!!! "blacktruck18" (blacktruck14)
07/06/2016 at 17:16 • Filed to: Zipper merging is the devil

Kinja'd!!!1 Kinja'd!!! 23

I just found this on the book of faces, it’s posted on a Seattle radio station’s page. I will sum up the comments for anyone that doesn’t want to read them:

“Anyone that zipper merges is an asshole who shouldn’t be let in, or an idiot who didn’t see that the lane was going away and shouldn’t be let in.”

There are a couple of comments about it being the right way to merge, most however are far from that. Also, it is the law in Washington that you have to zipper merge, it is almost impossible to do though.…


Kinja'd!!! Ash78, voting early and often > blacktruck18
07/06/2016 at 17:20


Zipper merging is THE best way to keep traffic moving, but most people are too territorial to execute it well. People really think “if I let that guy in front of me, I’ll be late getting home” when it actually makes the situation worse.

Kinja'd!!! Tripper > blacktruck18
07/06/2016 at 17:27


“You try to zipper merge me and my semi and you’ll be sitting in time out on the shoulder” What a bunch of clowns.

I don’t mind “enforcing” the zipper merge with this look on my face.


Kinja'd!!! Urambo Tauro > blacktruck18
07/06/2016 at 17:27


Zipper merging works for everyone, but only if everyone understands and participates.

Michigan does not yet (to my knowledge) specify that this method must be used, but it was taught as a “preferred” technique back when I took driver’s ed.

Kinja'd!!! SidewaysOnDirt still misses Bowie > Ash78, voting early and often
07/06/2016 at 17:28


Works great in New York believe it or not.

Kinja'd!!! Decay buys too many beaters > blacktruck18
07/06/2016 at 17:29


This is why 9/10 times I prefer to be on a bike in heavy PNW traffic. Way more room to maneuver around clueless, inattentive, and passive aggressive drivers.

Kinja'd!!! Bryan doesn't drive a 1M > blacktruck18
07/06/2016 at 17:31


As a Washington resident who is about to commute home, thanks a lot for getting me pre-riled. People suck at driving everywhere, but people around Seattle are sooooo bad at merging. You get a horrible mix of territorial assholes, timid idiots who slow down a ton to merge immediately, and aggressive assholes who merge whether or not there’s a car in their way.

Deep breath, deep breath...

Kinja'd!!! RyanFrew > blacktruck18
07/06/2016 at 17:32


It’s just not taught effectively. Right along with passing on the right or moving over.

Kinja'd!!! Berang > blacktruck18
07/06/2016 at 17:32


“hello im average car drivir

i cannot spell my own name or wipe my own ass”

Kinja'd!!! LOREM IPSUM > blacktruck18
07/06/2016 at 17:35


I will literally force myself in if someone refuses to zipper merge. You’re either going to let me in, or your going to mess that nice new car of yours right up... then probably get beat up on the roadside. Lol.

Kinja'd!!! Chairman Kaga > blacktruck18
07/06/2016 at 17:39


It’s because people literally do NOT know how to drive. The majority of drivers I encounter here in Austin don’t have the first clue how to negotiate a 4-way stop, much less a maneuver that’s actually executed while the vehicle is in motion.

Driver’s licenses are far too easy to obtain and retain.Fuck these people who fuck up the ONE activity I get to do most days that should be fun and invigorating. They ruin my life. Fuck them right in the ear.

Driving is nothing but a swinging dick competition, and I for one cannot wait for the day morons who can’t pass a driving test have no option but to use an autonomous vehicle.

Kinja'd!!! Bob > blacktruck18
07/06/2016 at 17:40


Zipper merging (when two lanes merge into one) is fine, efficient, and as you stated is the law in at least one state. However, come up from behind me in a lane that does not end while I’ve been patiently waiting and insist on getting in front of me and I will NOT let you in.

Kinja'd!!! Decay buys too many beaters > Bryan doesn't drive a 1M
07/06/2016 at 17:48


I feel your pain, we’re afflicted with the same type of driver here in Portland.

Kinja'd!!! Berang > Chairman Kaga
07/06/2016 at 17:49


My favorite habit of austinites is when they just pull right out in front of you like you’re not moving 55mph. And then the idiot behind you speeds, passes, and cuts you off, like it was your fault. (and then they probably turn off at the next parking lot doing 5mph).

Kinja'd!!! AdverseMartyr > RyanFrew
07/06/2016 at 17:53


Wait... they actually teach passing on the right, and moving over. I figured people were doing the one and not doing the other because of ineffective teaching. Who knew.

Kinja'd!!! fintail > blacktruck18
07/06/2016 at 17:54


Seattle drivers are terrible? Other than no merging ability, no lane discipline, a strange passive-aggressive timidity, and general plodding, driving in the city and suburbs is fine. Add to that the often ineffective traffic controls and a road network designed for the local population ca. 1985, and it’s heaven on wheels.

Kinja'd!!! AdverseMartyr > blacktruck18
07/06/2016 at 17:58


We have this spot here in Manoa (next to the University of Hawaii) where the right lane abruptly merges into the left lane just after a stop light. Amazingly, thousands of people efficiently zipper without slowing down, then some asshole who doesn’t live in Manoa goes through the intesection... He/she either hits the brakes and stops everyone or speeds up to keep someone from merging... all of a sudden there are a hundred cars backed up.

It’s amazing how effective zippering is, and how easily it can get f’d up.

Kinja'd!!! Chairman Kaga > Berang
07/06/2016 at 18:00


How little things change...

Every day I have folks coming up the merge lane 30 MPH below the prevailing speed of traffic, move over while OFF the gas, slow down another 10 or 15 MPH, then take the next minute or so to accelerate to 10 MPH below the limit, before realizing they need to exit and cut across multiple lanes of traffic, all in less than 50 feet. Drivers here areTERRIBLE and I know our fatality rate would be even higher than it is if traffic wasn’t perpetually gridlocked.

Kinja'd!!! BayAreaMiataBoi > blacktruck18
07/06/2016 at 18:13


The average commuter in Silicon Valley knows how to zipper merge, as they have a lot of practice doing it multiple times a day. They might not like it, but they do it anyway.
On the other hand, the soccer moms and dads who come out onto the roads after dropping the last of the kids off at school sometimes +do not know how+ to zipper merge, or are too busy swatting the kids in the back seat with the fly swatter and not watching the road. . .

Kinja'd!!! facw > Berang
07/06/2016 at 18:44


This is pretty much the signature Austin move IMO. Service roads with high speed limits, combined with people who feel that as long as you can slam on the brakes and have enough room not to hit them, then they’re good to go.

See some of that here in Houston, but the signature delicacy is not even trying to get over into your exit lane until the single white line starts, and often happily not getting over until you need to cross the gore to do so.

Kinja'd!!! marshknute > RyanFrew
07/06/2016 at 19:09


There’s nothing wrong with passing on the right. If there was room to undertake, then there was room for the jackass lanehog to move the fuck over in the first place.

Kinja'd!!! Sam > Tripper
07/06/2016 at 19:38


I could use a hatch anyways, and trucking companies usually have great commercial insurance policies.

Kinja'd!!! Neil drives a beetle and a fancy beetle > blacktruck18
07/06/2016 at 19:49


I waited to merge until the actual lane closing recently and the person behind me honked as I merged because I had passed the cars who moved over early and were wreaking havoc on an intersection with cars then blocking cross traffic. When they honked I enthusiastically waved like an idiot with my right hand so they knew I really didn’t care. I thought, “I bet they got it out of their system.” But then like 3 miles down the road they floor it in a left turn lane and start honking at me and the passenger is screaming, “asshole.” And I again waved like a clueless and enthusiastic fool with a big shit grin, Sorry I prefer efficiency to idiocy.

Kinja'd!!! marshknute > Bob
07/06/2016 at 21:01


I’m always afraid to block those people, because I never know if they’re actually cutting in line, or just trying to get off at the exit ramp up ahead.